The ND genie sample. This was generated with real run like run/sub-run numbers and detector configurations. It was generated using the list provided here:


This sample contains a substantial number of files without the genie reweighting tables, and so may not be used for genie systematic uncertainty studies. The subset of CAFs with the appropriate tables is prod_caf_S15-05-22_nd_genie_fhc_nonswap_none. Note that the pid and caf files in "Extra FHC nonswap" datasets contain birksmodB in their filenames, but are nonetheless nominal files.

The datasets for this sample are:

ChainTier DefinitionSAM query status Files Events Size
FHC nonswapfcl prod_fcl_FA14-10-03x.a_nd_genie_fhc_nonswap 20,000 0 101.2 MB
daq prod_daq_FA14-10-03x.a_nd_genie_fhc_nonswap 20,000 39,992,464 19.63 TB
reco prod_reco_S15-05-04_nd_genie_fhc_nonswap 19,988 39,968,464 21.96 TB
pid prod_pid_S15-05-22_nd_genie_fhc_nonswap 19,976 39,944,464 23.68 TB
caf prod_caf_S15-05-22_nd_genie_fhc_nonswap 19,976 39,944,464 997.76 GB
nue decaf prod_decaf_S15-05-22a_nd_genie_fhc_nonswap_nue_contain 19,976 39,944,464 14.07 GB
numue decaf prod_decaf_S15-05-22a_nd_genie_fhc_nonswap_numu_contain 19,976 39,944,464 23.45 GB
Extra FHC nonswapfcl prod_fcl_FA14-10-03x.a_nd_genie_fhc_nonswap_v2 20,000 0 101.2 MB
daq prod_daq_FA14-10-03x.a_nd_genie_fhc_nonswap_v2 20,000 39,996,413 19.77 TB
reco prod_reco_S15-05-04_nd_genie_fhc_nonswap_v2 19,998 39,992,413 22.13 TB
pidpart prod_pidpart_S15-05-04a_nd_genie_fhc_nonswap_v2 19,988 39,972,413 22.29 TB
lemsum prod_lemsum_S15-05-04_nd_genie_fhc_nonswap_v2 20,000 39,996,413 33.81 GB
lempart prod_lempart_S15-05-07b_nd_genie_fhc_nonswap_v2 20,000 39,996,413 81.61 GB
pid prod_pid_S15-05-22a_nd_genie_fhc_nonswap_v2 19,988 39,972,413 23.87 TB
caf prod_caf_S15-05-22a_nd_genie_fhc_nonswap_v2 19,988 39,972,413 1019.96 GB
nue decaf prod_decaf_S15-05-22a_nd_genie_fhc_nonswap_nue_contain_v2 0 0 0 B
numue decaf prod_decaf_S15-05-22a_nd_genie_fhc_nonswap_numu_contain_v2 0 0 0 B
FHC Top-up nonswapfcl prod_fcl_FA14-10-03x.a_nd_genie_fhc_nonswap_topup 35,000 0 177.12 MB
daq prod_daq_FA14-10-03x.a_nd_genie_fhc_nonswap_topup 15,459 30,914,209 15.28 TB
reco prod_reco_S15-05-04c_nd_genie_fhc_nonswap_topup 2,153 4,302,209 2.38 TB
pid prod_pid_S15-05-22a_nd_genie_fhc_nonswap_topup 0 0 0 B
caf prod_caf_S15-05-22a_nd_genie_fhc_nonswap_topup 0 0 0 B
Total 352,466 554,854,093 173.1 TB