This ND cosmic sample has been simulated in the same release as the core analysis files provided for first analysis FA14-10-03x.a. This is unlike the ND cosmic files used for the computation of calibration constants described in the ND cosmics page , which were simulated in FA14-10-03 as were all the calibration samples. The difference between these releases is described in full on the history of tagged releases page . In brief it includes the fixing of the Birk's suppression bug, the addition of APD sag, a truth bug fix, and an update to the noise model.

The datasets for this sample are:

ChainTier DefinitionSAM query status Files Events Size
cosmicsfcl prod_fcl_FA14-10-03x.a_nd_cry_all_v3 500 0 2.41 MB
daq prod_daq_FA14-10-03x.a_nd_cry_all_v3 500 11,266,292 252.27 GB
pclist prod_pclist_S15-03-20_nd_cry_all_from_daq_FA14-10-03x.a 500 11,266,292 12.14 GB
pcliststop prod_pcliststop_S15-03-20_nd_cry_all_from_daq_FA14-10-03x.a 500 17,205 75.2 MB
timecal prod_timecal_S15-03-20_nd_cry_all_from_daq_FA14-10-03x.a 500 500 41.44 MB
Total 2,500 22,550,289 264.52 GB