ND GENIE simulation files with flat flux prong CVN information for the ND group.

The datasets for this sample are:

ChainTier DefinitionSAM query status Files Events Size
FHC all periodsrepid prod_repid_R17-11-14-prod4reco.CVNprong-respin.b_nd_genie_nonswap_fhc_nova_v08_full_v1 70,776 111,311,120 140.88 TB
caf prod_caf_R17-11-14-prod4reco.CVNprong-respin.b_nd_genie_nonswap_fhc_nova_v08_full_v1 0 0 0 B
RHC all periodsrepid prod_repid_R17-11-14-prod4reco.CVNprong-respin.b_nd_genie_nonswap_rhc_nova_v08_full_v1 0 0 0 B
caf prod_caf_R17-11-14-prod4reco.CVNprong-respin.b_nd_genie_nonswap_rhc_nova_v08_full_v1 0 0 0 B
Total 70,776 111,311,120 140.88 TB