The FD CRY cosmic simulation files. This page takes Prod3 CRY MC as input.

Please note: there are two passes for the cosmics. Each of these is tuned for either FHC or RHC; the training affects CVN, the numu energy estimator, and downstream products like the numu cosmic BDT (which uses CVN as an input). For more details, please see the extensive production4 wiki page.

The datasets for this sample are:

ChainTier DefinitionSAM query status Files Events Size
RHC Fullrepid prod_repid_R17-11-14-prod4reco.f_fd_cry_rhc_full_v1 29,967 5,993,400 23.74 TB
caf prod_caf_R17-11-14-prod4reco.f_fd_cry_rhc_full_v1 29,968 5,993,600 402.17 GB
mrbremcaf prod_mrbremcaf_R17-11-14-prod4reco.f_fd_cry_rhc_full_v1 29,955 5,991,000 13.51 GB
FHC Fullrepid prod_repid_R17-11-14-prod4reco.f_fd_cry_fhc_full_v1 28,345 5,669,000 22.15 TB
caf prod_caf_R17-11-14-prod4reco.f_fd_cry_fhc_full_v1 28,396 5,679,200 380.94 GB
mrbremcaf prod_mrbremcaf_R17-11-14-prod4reco.f_fd_cry_fhc_full_v1 28,396 5,679,200 12.81 GB
Total 175,027 35,005,400 46.68 TB